Cuba Trip: Part 3 - Havana - Old Havana
The more touristy streets in Old Havana are relatively clean with some renovated buildings.
It was so hot that we barely remembered to take pictures of ourselves
Once in a while there are beautiful tiles on the bottom of buildings
Some amazing buildings in need of restoration
I am always pleased to see a Russian car. In such a hot climate you sometimes have to take your shirt off :)
Small shop with housewares probably run by a person from his/her house
People going about their daily life
Kids being kids, playing on the doorsteps their home. Somehow Crocs made it down here :)
Or on the basketball court
We were looking for but couldn't find much communist propaganda, only once in a while an image of Che Guevara would appear
Or Che and Fidel Castro images on some postcards in a bookstore
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